
At a time when climate change, plastic pollution and poor working conditions threaten our world, it is paramount that we all recognize our responsibilities and work actively to bring about positive change.

Environmentally conscious packaging choice

We have successfully replaced our traditional polybags as standard textile packaging with sustainable micro non-woven recycled bags. We are proud to announce that 95% of our production products are currently packed in these environmentally friendly bags.

The right direction

This change is a significant step towards sustainability and demonstrates our commitment to environmentally friendly practices. The use of micro non-woven recycled bags allows us to significantly reduce the use of single-use plastic and promote the use of recycled materials.

Versatile reusable

Our sustainable micro non-woven recycled bags are not only suitable as a packaging solution, but also ideal as reusable shopping bags when out shopping.

Sustainable shopping

Their robustness and durability make them perfect for use when shopping. Instead of using disposable plastic bags every time, customers can use our micro non-woven recycled bags again and again. This not only reduces the use of disposable plastic, but also minimises waste and helps to protect the environment.